
"Like" has now become a word fraught with implication, so much so that I almost feel using it is a cliche.  Thanks, facebook.  [Not, I should admit, that I've ever been a purist about my "like" usage---in speech I use it far more often than an educated person should as, like, filler (and hear Mr. Boren's voice in my head every time: "Do you mean similar to but not the same as, Ms. Nelson?").]

Nevertheless, some things I like (or not):

I've made peace with writers addressing me as "dear reader"---it may be a bit overdone (yeah yeah, you're being "ironic") but it has a fine history and makes me think of Dickens or one of the Brontës.  Like.

Strangers averring, in writing, that they "miss me already", however?  Affected, condescending, and almost certainly untrue.  A firm "don't like" from me.

Talking about the weather has a reputation as being the antithesis of authenticity; conversation people only turn to when they're shallow or uncomfortable.  I think that's unfair.  Weather talk brings us together; the Great Unifier.  I can respond to five different strangers' "Can-you-believe-this-rain?!" talk with sincere and heartfelt agreement each time.  Likewise with "Isn't it beautiful outside?"  The weather's on my mind every day and I'm always happy to discuss it.

I don't like the saying "Stick a fork in me, I'm done."  First of all, yuck.  But more importantly, you don't stick a fork in something when it's done.  You stick a fork (or more likely, a knife or toothpick) in something TO FIND OUT IF it's done.  So, if we must use this metaphor, we ought to say, "I'm not sure if I'm done or not.  Stick a fork in me and we'll see."  Think it will catch on?

All my children sing and sing around the house.  I love Malachi's wrong lyrics but I also love the ones he makes up completely (one, which runs through my head constantly, goes: "Oh-lee sephola, bi-vee bi-vee bi-vee").  The "Winnie-the-Pooh" in this video (below; song starts at about 1:10) sounds eerily like he's singing one of Malachi's songs.  His voice is also not unlike Malachi's.  Like, like, like!

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