When I was little, my aunt crocheted me a little purse that turned into a bassinet for a tiny baby doll. I loved it, so a few years ago I reverse-engineered a pattern and have since made several of them. The trouble is finding babies small enough to go inside. This last time I finally just crocheted my own (rather alarming-looking, I must say) little stuffed baby. Daisy really, really loved him, but he was going to be a gift, so she had to give him up.
Back in January or so, we had watched Wall-E for movie night, and everyone has been playing robot ever since. (Abe is Bear-E, Seb is Monk-E, Malachi is Birda, and Daisy is just "Robop." It's a very useful pretend-play subject, because robots are very good, tireless, cleaners and workers--as I like to point out.) Anyway, when Malachi saw the crocheted baby I made, he thought it looked like Eva from Wall-E. (We call her Eva, of course, instead of Eve.) And he wanted me to make one for him, so I did.
Then, Daisy loved Malachi's Eva SO much that I had to make her one of her own. She calls her "E-ba" and she goes everywhere with her. EVERYWHERE. I never would have imagined anyone forming such attachment to this sort of strange-looking, fuzzy robot, but there you are.
She loves tiny Eba as much as she loves tiny Penguin---which is really saying something!