Tiny blankets

Lately I've had the happy situation of having lots of friends having babies, which means lots of my favorite kind of crocheting projects! I made these bubble blankets for my new little twin nephews:
(Super-easy free pattern here; I love it!)

My children loved these blankets SO much that they all begged for one of their own. Maybe that will happen someday . . . but for now I told them they could each choose some colors and I'd make a blanket for one of their stuffed animals. They have SO many animals they love that it turned into more than one each, but since they were so tiny I didn't mind. :)
I like these little twins
I am now working on a blanket for myself, which I've never done before, and it will probably take me eons. (Actual person-sized blankets are so BIG!)

Easter Eggs

I just like to post pictures of our pretty eggs because otherwise I feel sad about cracking their shells and eating them.
Abe's bear egg
Sam made the cute bunny one.
Daisy with dots.

Red Butte Spring

I love daffodils, so if we can, we always make it a priority to visit daffodil gardens in the Springtime! Red Butte Garden is one of our favorite places. I don't think I got any pictures of the flowers last year, and when I compare with past years everyone looks enormous and enormous-er. Soon they will be pushing ME through the gardens in a stroller! I hope so, anyway.
Goldie was a little sick, and you can see it in her eyes---they're kind of tired and sad-looking. Poor baby. She sure likes her brother Abe, though.
I love the afternoon sun on the daffodils!
Daisy "hiding" behind a tree
More sick baby Goldie. I love her.
I thought Ky's eyes looked so pretty with the sun on them.
He looked like a daffodil, with his green and gold clothes. "Make yourself look like a daffodil," I said.
This shot has become somewhat of a tradition.
Time to start putting the girls in it too, I guess!
Waiting for me to catch up to them at the top of a hill
I love this color combination!

Easter Bunnies

What good is it to have a bunny if you don't take Easter pictures with him? I told Sam that if he and all the kids have household duties, it's only fair that Nutmeg have some too. Bunny Household Duties include being cute, being furry, and posing for Easter pictures. I love how they turned out. Easter is my favorite holiday and these little people are my favorite people!
I love Daisy's face in this picture. She is put out because she wanted to hold Marigold on her lap.
She got over it, though. :)
They have grown up so much since they last posed with a bunny!
Happy Easter!
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