
Sam and I trade off surprising each other with anniversary plans every year, and when I realized it wouldn't be feasible for us to have an actual "overnight getaway" this year, I remembered something Megan had done for Beth a few years ago, where she made her house into a fancy hotel.  Everything good and clever about this idea (the sanitized toilets! the "coming soon!" signs! the toiletry basket!) came from Megan's creativity, so all I had to do was execute it.  Doing so was super fun (you know how I love having a project to work on).

The boys stayed with my mom for the night, and we went out to dinner and had a lovely, lovely time (even when Daisy was screaming for an hour in the backseat of the car).  Then we came home to this: 

Don't mind Bendigo (the concierge).  He's just my stuffed elephant.  He tends to get involved with these sorts of schemes, for some reason.

Do you like those yellow pillows?  I made them myself.  I mean, I know pillows are pretty much the easiest thing to sew in the world, but still, I sewed something!
Happy Anniversary, Sam!


  1. Marilyn, I made those EXACT same pillows. They're on my couch.
    I'm serious.

  2. I'm not surprised, because it's the cutest IKEA fabric, and you have _such_ good taste!

  3. So brilliant! I loved it when Megs did it and I love it when you did it. Now I just need to get it together enough to do it. IT's such a fun idea. I love your muffins and now I'm hungry.

  4. Awesome. And the pillows make me feel all sorts of inspired.

  5. Will you come "hotelify" my house for my anniversary? Seriously, my husband would die and go to heaven if I did something like that. I am so impressed.

  6. Clever! Especially loved the sanitized toilets . . . you covered all the fun details (and not the bad ones -- like noisy hallways and bedbugs). And your elephant made a fabulous concierge. He was oozing customer service. :)

  7. Ditto what Rachael said . . . we spent our ten year anniversary virtually separate while Seth wrote a 20-page paper and I taught piano lessons . . . I'm the world's most unromantic person!

  8. Wow. I'm kind of wishing I was married to you. But not really. I mean, it wouldn't have been at all practical. But still - I think I'd like my kids to be inspired by you brilliant girls and maybe come up with something very much like this for their aged parents. I keep trying to play that card, but it NEVER works.

  9. Where's the "Housekeeping, Please have this room made up ASAP" door handle placard?! So funny!


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