Mountain flowers

We went hiking up near Cedar Breaks a couple weeks ago, and the wildflowers up in those mountains were SO beautiful.  The air was still cool up that high, so it almost felt like we'd gone back in time to Spring.

Lots of meadows just had sprinklings of color, like this . . . 

that resolved themselves into separate flowers when you got up closer.  (The purples look like some kind of lupine---I have lupines in my yard and I love them!)

Then there were some meadows that were just totally full of flowers.  These are mountain sunflowers, I think. A photograph can't even capture what it was like to be surrounded by all that yellow.

More lupines, and Indian paintbrush!  I remember seeing a lot of this in New Mexico when I was little.

Mountain columbine.  These are some of my favorite flowers too, especially growing in the wild.  They look so starry and delicate, it seems impossible they could be hardy enough to survive in a harsh mountain climate!

Sunflowers near Navajo Lake.  So lovely!

1 comment

  1. Well Hello! I didn't even know you had a blog until you posted on mine! Love it! Thanks for your sweet words to me and your kindness in putting my name in the temple. And I will never EVER pass up a Marilyn Meal. You could definitely start a business in baking and cooking! "Marilyn's Meal"s. :) Love the beautiful pics as well. Thanks for saving the day yesterday with drinks! Love you....


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