
This person apparently belongs to the same pagan sect that performed this strange rite

I've been slow admitting Fall this year.  I was totally convinced that since summer was late starting, it should be late ending, and the fact that nobody ever guaranteed any such thing is just dawning on me now.  We've had nice summery weather, but it's chilly up in the canyons and at morning and evening.  I do love Fall.  I'll be posting lots of pictures of changing leaves, probably. (This blog is "light-in-leaves," after all.)

Looks like the colors are a little behind where they were last year.  There are lots of yellows and oranges here and there, but not many big clumps of foliage where everything is colored.  I love how the tips of trees acquire a slightly toasted look just before their transformation, like a paper about to burst into flame.  You can almost see those flames spreading over the mountain ridges---more trees everyday.

This rock made a wonderfully shaped bench.  [Note the looming shadow of Boy Holding Plate.  Perhaps he is about to eat this juicy little Daisy morsel.  If there is anything we love more than driving out to see the Fall leaves, it's picnicking while we do it.]

Lupine leaves.  I didn't know they turned such a bright red.

How do those yellows and oranges get a toehold on this rocky slope?

Elves, or maybe goblins


  1. where the heck were you? But you were up there just a day or so ago, eh? We were riding up there Wednesday and made the same observations. We saw a few absolutely flaming reds - deep, deep red. But mostly the oaks are just starting to turn. And you could see that the aspens on the ridges had turned a bit, too. I'd say we're two weeks behind. Usually, it looks like this at the beginning of the third week of Sept. And it's shot by October - we ride September until deer hunt starts, so I am first name familiar with Big Springs color.

    Someone had told me the were predicting an early winter, but the horses haven't even begun to put on their coats. In the last few years, they started bearding and thickening at the end of August. Not so now. I wonder if the earth has simply slipped some percentage of a degree so that everything has moved back a little?

    Your shots are, as usual, gorgeous. Have you seen Ginna's work since she got her hoity-toity more expensive than Trump's apartment's gold leafing camera??? Your shots are just as crisp and the color as deep. I'm the one who looks like I shoot with a bag over my head.

  2. Beautiful! I was in Park City last weekend and the colors weren't nearly so brilliant. Maybe it's time to take the Alpine Loop tour.

  3. K: this is up Little Cottonwood Canyon, last Sunday. We can only get to the easily accessible places, but I wish we could go on horses, because there's so much to see that's away from the road!

    Interesting about the horses' coats! And I would like to see Ginna's gold-plated camera. :) I don't know how to use many of the settings on mine; I'm not a true photographer like you and she are. Your pictures are always gorgeous!! I hope we get to see some of the foilage you find with the horses. And I would like to learn more about aperture and white balance and all those things. Or get a camera that shoots perfectly on "auto" :). Ours does pretty well though.

  4. Marilyn, do you still have your notebook where you write down words you like? You should add "toehold." What a nice word.


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