Temple Square flowers

I don't think you can beat (or at least, not locally) Red Butte Garden for daffodils, but a week or so ago when I met Rachael at Temple Square (in the freezing rain, of course) we could see even through the grey drizzle that the tulips (and other flowers) there were going to be gorgeous. So we prioritized a return visit as soon as possible. It didn't disappoint. The color combinations are perfect---I love a rainbow-colored flower bed! SO pretty.
There were lots of interesting varieties of tulips
These were my very favorites---such a lovely pinkish-peach

Love these pink and red flowers (don't know the name?)---like tiny puffer fish

Just what you like to see on Temple Square: a family watching their son open his mission call. So cute. They cheered and cried and documented the moment with pictures. :)

I was happy to see these rivers of forget-me-nots!

I like seeing the blue sky between tall buildings
Such colorful borders!

1 comment

  1. How I love the church.

    And look at you, flower hunter. You really need to go to Japan in the spring. They understand the witnessing of blossoms.


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