Oregon Garden and the Gordon House

In Silverton, Oregon, there is a nice botanical garden, with a house built by Frank Lloyd Wright, called the Gordon House, on the property. The house was moved from its original location to rest here in these beautiful oak groves. I really wanted to take the tour, but I ended up staying out with the little ones while some of the boys went on it. It sounded really interesting---lots of little architectural details to point out, and tidbits about FLW's life.
The setting couldn't have been more beautiful, and I thought it fit the look of the house so nicely
The gardens were beautiful. I especially liked the wetlands areas which had so many birds!
Seb's monkey with some tiiiiny bananas
Big leaves with little girl
The children's garden had a hobbit hole in it. So cute.
Juniper Tree
Poppy Meadow
Funny Pot People
The kids spent a good amount of time walking around the walls of these elevated pools. There's something endlessly fascinating about walking on flat walls, I guess? My mom calls them "Little Boy Walks" or "Little Girl Walks."


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