Easter pictures

I remember when we first had baby Abraham and I took him to get his picture taken at Kiddie Kandids or Target, I always went through such agony trying to choose which print to order. Coming from parents who always ordered the "E" package on school picture day (one 5x7 print), of course I knew I would only end up with the free 8x10 or whatever my coupon was for. But it broke my heart to leave behind all the other cute shots of my darling little boy!

These many years later, you'd think that taking our own photos would have solved all my problems, but as we have a finite amount of wall space (not to mention picture frames), I still have to make the hard decisions when deciding which pictures to print. And sometimes there are funny, strange pictures that I can't really justify choosing (or spending much time editing)…but I love them anyway. So it eases the pain to know that I can preserve all of my favorites forever on the blog! 

Also, Easter is my favorite holiday! So, without further ado, enjoy (or forgive, if you'd rather) these millions of pictures. (And here are last year's, should you find yourself wanting more!) :)
Handsome Abe.
Abe with bunny
Oldest. Youngest.
Ky looks very suave in this picture
Malachi, hugging Nutmeg.
The four boys! It was very hard to get these fellows to stick around for pictures. They slipped away like wraiths. The little girls did their share of wandering off too, but for some reason I managed to get three times as many shots of them. Must be because the girls quite liked showing off their new dresses, while the boys had no such desires?
Daisy, looking askance.
Junie, explaining something
Goldie is looking particularly cute and grown-up these days. It must be that her hair is finally starting to grow, or maybe it's just that she's talking more, and wearing underpants, and bustling around taking care of Teddy. She just seems more and more like one of the big kids!
So busy!
I think she looks like our friend's little girl Neve in this one.
This is my favorite one of Goldie
And here is tiny baby Theodore.
Poor Theo, and Nutmeg
And finally, all seven of these sillies. We love them!


  1. I love these pictures. And I love the little similarities between Goldie and Neve. Also, Nutmeg. Your children are all lovely and adorable. Thanks for all the recent blog updates. It's so fun to see what you are up to.

  2. So cute! I think Daisy looks the most like you--but I am notoriously bad at this game. The bunny is such an awesome Easter photo addition.


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