The children, who are quite mercenary little creatures at the best of times, were driven to many new heights of enterprise during our recent Economics and Money Unit. I always try to discourage them from doing Lemonade Stands and so forth, mostly because it makes ME uncomfortable (I'm always afraid they'll annoy people, or that neighbors will stop and buy something just to be nice but then be sort of annoyed at the same time. Ha.), and because I never think they'll be very successful and I want to quash their little dreams early so as to prevent future disappointment. And I think, the thousands of children's books using Lemonade Stands as symbols of "Entrepreneurship" to the contrary, that children's lemonade stands don't actually add that much value to society. It's funny, because when I see OTHER children at lemonade stands I think it's darling and I even make a point of stopping at them when possible, but it's still something I sort of groan at whenever my own children want to do it.
Well, in spite of this wet-blanket-ness on my part, the children have sold things at "stands" before and probably will again. This latest effort was a rock stand selling various rocks we have found or bought and polished. And I suppose the polished rocks actually are something the children added value to by polishing, so that's good. Though I didn't know if there would be much of a market for them. This Rock Stand was a multi-day effort and the children actually made a little bit of money! So they were thrilled.
The kids were very conscientious about marketing. They made many signs, and walked up and down the street yelling and ringing a bell as they went, like lepers. It probably drove our sainted neighbors crazy. I tried not to let it go on too long or too frequently.
I loved Malachi's sign. Good thing we have so many "raer" rocks for sale.
Sweet Daisy made the cutest little Activity Books with dot-to-dots and coloring pages and other fun things. They were so darling and she said, "My target audience is something like two- or three-year-olds." I said, "That's good, but your target audience doesn't have any money!" She said, "Well, their big brothers and sisters could buy them for them." Unfortunately, there were no big brothers or sisters of adequate generosity around, so she didn't sell any books. It was a little sad (and that's another reason I don't like it when my kids sell things). But, Daisy wasn't too disturbed by it. She had fun making them anyway!
OH my goodness! Yes! My kids are forever pleading to have lemonade stands. Jesse in particular. Today when I told him we didn't even have lemonade, he suggested a Nesquick stand. We have a little neighbor boy who used to actually come door to door selling tiny flowers or little rocks. I'd ask how much and he's say, "I was thinking about 10 or 20 dollars". Hahaha. I'd politely ask him if he'd settle for 50 cents. Oh kids. But, it we were neighbors, I'd totally have sent my kids down to buy some of your raer rocks! (And then they'd spend the rest of the summer requesting to do a similar type of stand.)