Birthdays and Tram

The August birthdays came and went. They felt a bit anticlimactic this year because I had been anticipating Daisy and Sebby's ages early for some reason. It seemed like they were already seven and eleven, so the birthdays just seemed to echo an already-existing reality. I really almost felt they should be turning eight and twelve, in fact, so I didn't feel any extra nostalgia about the occasions. :)

Daisy has always been fun to watch when she's opening presents. This year she got several homemade things from brothers and sisters, plus a present from my mom, plus a present from us. And every single time she made some variation on this face:
This is the face she makes for cute, tiny things. And ALL of her presents were cute tiny things.
She's such a cutie.
Here's the 3D Maze Sebby made for her. He loves making that sort of thing.

For Seb's birthday, we went up to Snowbird and rode the tram. Seb has always loved trams, as you probably know by now. There was a time in his life when he categorized practically everything he saw as a "red tram" or a "blue tram." He'd see two people with colored shirts walking in a crowd. "Look Mommy! Red tram and blue tram!" Or two packages on the shelf at the store. "Red tram and blue tram!" That was after our trip to New Mexico where we rode the tram, I think.

Anyway, he still likes them, and so do we all, so that's what we did.
I call this series "Girls standing on ledges"
Teddy was super cute looking out at the scenery. He loved it. As long as Sam had him, that is.
Sailor girls
Birthday boy. Nice casual pose.
We let Abe and Seb ride the mountain roller coaster once as a special treat. My favorite part about this lower picture is that you can see Sam and the other kids in the lower left sitting on a bench watching—and Teddy toddling about trying to get things. 
Here's Daisy with her present: a tiny doll for her doll Rosie. She loves to have all three of them match whenever possible, of course!
Daisy says she "considers herself eight" already, so I guess next year will feel anticlimactic too!

1 comment

  1. Oh her opening present faces are glorious! Dear little grateful child! And yes! Several of my poor children always have is feeling underwhelmed by their new ages because we've already assumed they were AT LEAST that old for some time! I've been thinking of Penny as 10 since she was 8. And she's still only 9.


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