It was one of those cloudy/sunny days where the light is constantly changing. I loved that because it made certain sections of the mountain practically leap out at you with their vibrance as the sun passed over the colors!
A glimpse of higher aspens
The sun at this angle made the atmospheric perspective quite pronounced, with a haze muting the colors on faraway ridges. But it also made the light come through the closer leaves and set them glowing against the dark background, so I couldn't complain.
Like this! Aspen-candles! So beautiful!
I like this, too. A spill of red falling down the slope.
This hill could not be any more packed with color! I love those green-to-yellow gradients!
And yellow-to-orange!
Such bright yellow in the heart of that tree! Impossibly bright!
One of the reasons I love this particular drive is because you get right up among the aspens, so you watch the light come down through them. I LOVE that. The road is smaller and you can even pull over and walk by the trees.
The other reason I love this drive is that after you go through all the yellow aspens, you come out on the other side of the mountain where all the bright red maples are.
Impossibly bright reds.
I like how you can see the reflected yellow ambient light in the red of the leaf.
I love this time of year!
Our Sunday drive last week was mostly yellows. Lovely of course, but I wanted the crazy reds and oranges too! They are happening in our own neighborhood now though. So that is good . . . because i want them here . . . but bad because it makes me feel panicky about how soon that means they will be gone! 😆