This year's ornaments

This is the ornament Sam made for our ornament party this year. We go to this party with a bunch of awesome, creative people and everyone makes an ornament. It's so fun, and we love it, but since we have to give our ornaments away, I always feel like I have to take pictures so we have a record of all our work in SOME form at least!

I love Sam's fishy ornament. My favorite part is all the bubbles (you can't quite tell in the picture, but those are holes in the wood).
I made a crocheted Winnie the Pooh and Piglet. I don't quite like how they turned out—I started out using a pattern that I didn't think looked right, so then I changed it a bit (I wanted the "classic" Winnie-the-Pooh, rather than the Disney one with the red shirt) but I think I should have just started over from scratch. Anyway, Pooh and Piglet are still pretty cute together. But next year I'll do better. :)

(Previous years' ornaments: here, here, here, and here.)

We do always GET such great ornaments too! So I have no call to complain. It's really only when I think about what a cute collection of crocheted characters I'd have by now that I feel at all wistful about giving mine up. :) But at the party there are always so many highly-coveted items that get traded (or stolen) around! Two of the people that attend the party are stained glass artists, and everyone always wants their ornaments. Somehow Sam and I got lucky enough to get both of their ornaments this year—gorgeous faceted glass polygons—(which was a bit greedy of us, I admit, but they make such a lovely matched set!), and I love them so much! Here they are:


  1. Oh yes! The ornaments! Of course I wonder what the ones you got look like (and if they possibly compare). Our ward occasionally did some cake exchange thing growing up. My mom would make this darling Raggety Ann. Which she never did just normally. And it always broke my heart that we didn't get to keep it. I never recall coming home with something exciting. :)

    Goldie is currently trying to crochet a frog hat for the baby. She tries to watch YouTube for help, but again, I wish you could train her.

    1. I added pictures. The ones we got this year are really SO beautiful. Two different years I got these beautiful carved Santa spoons, and last year I almost got a third, tiny, one before some one took it from me. And I really was so disappointed I almost cried. :) Sam had to promise to carve me one to make me feel better.

      Crocheting hats is so fun. Tell Goldie I want to see it when she's done! :)

    2. Oh! Those are so cool! What a fun tradition!


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