Catching up: Spring

This was a snowy day in May. It was pretty and sparkly in the morning, and then melted by afternoon. This does seem to happen every year.
Daisy and Ky with the posters they made for their choir concert. I love both of their pictures so much.
At that same concert. Teddy was very attentive, waiting anxiously for the right time to start clapping.
I took the kids to see "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers" and they (especially these two girls) loved it so much!
This was my favorite—Daisy and Junie standing in line for the bathroom :)
Our "framed faces" art exhibit. One of our alphabet weekends.
Goldie's birthday! Happy excited face.
Cute Teddy, pre-haircut
Girls wearing our yellow church clothes. Plus an interloper.
Sunday walk by the lake
(Junie's taking a picture of me with HER camera)

1 comment

  1. Daisy's octopus is the greatest. And it makes me so happy for some reason when I actually SEE you (via photo -- haha).


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