A hamburger

It was General Conference a couple weekends ago, and I know there are all kinds of good things my fellow Latter-day Saints are doing at this time of year—making goals, reevaluating habits, improving themselves. One friend said her mother was always embroidering temple clothes for her children during conference, and another friend said she likes to keep a conference journal. I also like to have something to work on, and I often crochet hats or some other project while I listen, but this time I felt I ought to add something of real value to the world. Something that will stand as a testament to the lasting and worthwhile in this tawdry, disposable world of ours.

So I crocheted this hamburger.

Why did I do this? I don't know. My children asked me, repeatedly. I just don't know.
Don't ever say I didn't contribute anything to this world.

1 comment

  1. That is the best thing ever. Maybe REALLY ever. How can we have so many similarities and then, just smack dab in the middle of the common ground, thus glaring DIFFERENCE: you can crochet a hamburger . . . and I (weep) cannot. (I really need to get someone to teach Daisy serious crocheting. She would eat this kind of thing up. . . . Not, as in eat the hamburger, but, well, you know . . .)


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