Sundance ski lift

After our trip to California, the fun continued apace as Philip and Allison's family came back to Utah to visit us! As is becoming customary, we met up at Sundance to ride the ski lift. It was a bit of a strange year, leafwise. Some years in October there have been spectacular reds and yellows on the mountain! This year was a lot more muted. In fact, it almost looked like early spring to me: lots of shades of brown and tan, with some fresh, pale green-yellows mixed in. It was so different. But beautiful!
Each boy had a girl to look after, and they were all so cute. Such protective older brothers! Here Abe prepares to help Daisy hop on to the lift.
Seb with his Goldie
We hiked around a bit in between the lifts. The grass was that pretty golden-tan color I love.
ALmost-yellow aspens. Not quite.
We rode ALL the way to the top this year (two different lifts). It was amazing up there. You could see both valleys. Deer Creek Reservoir and Heber on one side, and East Bay of Utah Lake on the other. We were SO high!
Can you spot Bridal Veil Falls in the center of the picture? It looks so TINY from this vantage point.
Cute Nelson family picture
The whole group
Adam and Daniel were quite content to play with rocks together
There was a zip line (I think it's new this year) that we saw people riding on. It was so high up! That teeny black figure in the sky is a person!
It looked scary—but also kind of fun. :)
On top of the world!
We did see some yellow trees, like these. But even they were mostly yellow in comparison to what was around them.
Heading back down
Two R2D2s
"I'm YO-DA," says Goldie to anyone who will listen. What does she know?
The skies were so pretty and changeable—clouds and sun trading places and making it warm, then cool, then warm. When the sun came out, that bright Spring-green of the aspens really brightened.
Looks like May in the mountains!


  1. I love, after what you told me, you describing everything as "different" but still beautiful. Good work. ;)

    And that picture of Junie (? I think) in the red dress jumping and the bulb lights is the best! I love it!

    Lastly, I don't know much about poker, but I feel like I have just been told, "I'll see your two R2D2s and raise you a Wookie, a Yo-da, a Darth Vader and maybe something else too (another R2? What am I missing.)". Blast that Disney Land. Hahah.

    This is making me want more OUTSIDE!

    1. Ha! Those Star Wars hoodies! It's funny, because I probably never would have even noticed them if I hadn't just seen your boys wearing theirs, but I had them on the brain because of your blog post, and then I went to Target and there they were! Of course, we had to have the Yoda one…even though they only had it in tiny sizes. And then one thing led to another… (Oh, and Malachi's is a storm trooper.)

    2. Target!??! No! Of course they'd up and get them there. I assumed you had to pay a highly marked up price at Disney Land (like we paid at the Disney store).


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