
Do you know what it is Seb is holding up?  A muffin.  Yum.

Some good things.

I know where all three of Daisy's pacifiers are right now.  ALL THREE!

Sam and I are working on brackets this week.  It's the Playoffs of whatever we decide: what are the best Fall desserts, best places to see leaves, best ice cream, etc.  We are having great fun testing it all.  (Some day I will post some pictures of the ice creams we've been making.  You might think this isn't the time of year for ice cream, but if so, I feel sad for you.)

Do you like the TV show Psych?  We've been watching it on Hulu.  HiLARious.

And a note I got (wrapped with a bow on it) from Abe:


  1. All-Binkies-Accounted-For is a GREAT feeling. Unfortunately it didn't happen very often for me this last time around.
    I love those little hand-written notes from kids. So precious. It makes me kind of sad for the time when all the words will be spelled correctly and penmanship contained within the lines.

  2. I love that picture of Sebey. And I want the muffin he's holding. I don't even know what kind it is, but if it was made by you, I want it.

    I don't think I've ever had all binkies accounted for, so I tip my hat to you.

    Lastly, I hop you had a good day, too. Sounds like you did. Child writing is one of the main things I miss about teaching kindergarten. It's precious.

    table. I kid you not. I got a real word this time. table.

  3. We have been fans of Psych since the beginning, I even catch some of the 80s references. Very funny show.

  4. that note is SO SO cute!

    my word is manti--that counts as real, right? Weird.

  5. oh, and are youguys using an ice cream maker? If so, what kind??

  6. Ginna: yep. The cheapest kind from Walmart ("Rival" brand?). It works great!

  7. We watch Monk and Psych on Saturday nights. Thank you Hulu! I love that I can watch those shows without having to pay for cable. They are so funny.

  8. Love the note. Love the picture. Love the good things. You and Sam - it sounds like such a fun partnership. I like reading about it. Maybe I'll write something like you some day.

    We like the parts when Shawn and Gus scream.


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