Keep at it

(hard to get a good angle when you're holding a baby in one arm)

How am I handling four kids, you ask?

Back at it:
  • Making dinner
  • Laundry/Diapers
  • Occasional de-cluttering
  • Packing lunches
  • A little yard work (planting bulbs, weeding)

Still eluding me:
  • Regular showers
  • Wearing clean clothes
  • Making the bed
  • Friday cleaning days
  • Going anywhere
It'll come, right? :)


  1. Wait, moms are supposed to occassionally declutter? No one told me that!

    You're already leagues above me.


  2. Moms are supposed to cook EVERY DAY? How are we supposed to pull that off?

    Also, could that little Daisy be any cuter? No, no she could not. I'm sure you're aware of this but I'd like to point out that your kids all look alike. (Hello pot, my name is kettle.)

  3. I like how gardening and eating good food (cooking) are above personal hygiene. I'm right there with you on those (unfortunately, speaking for myself).

  4. I'm also interested in your priorities. Food=important, yes. But weeding? Never happens at my house. Course, I do have dang four kids, myself.
    Other than weeding, your list and mine are about the same. Interesting.
    I'm struck just about everyday with how the things I want to do used to be what I did everyday. And now the things I want to do are so far out of reach (for now) that they aren't even on my radar. I couldn't even tell you what my hobbies are, other than to say I have dang four preeda kids.

  5. It'll either come. Or - the thing may have utterly no eternal significance at all. Like dusting.


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