Leaves, more of them

Would you like some more leaf pictures?  Here they are.  From a few different days.  Some of the colors are so bright, they don't even look real.  So beautiful!

We've done a lot of driving this Fall, but there are still so many places I'd like to see!  And it's just about too late now.  I told Sam next year he'll have to take a couple weeks off work so we can devote our whole time to seeing the leaves. :) 

(Going on drives is one thing I really love. [If Daisy falls asleep instead of screaming, that is.]  The boys are generally good in the car, and even if not, they're contained---so we can listen to music, and Sam and I can talk.  And we can do it even if the weather is cold.  And we can eat muffins or cookies while we do it.  Yay!)

(Weird clouds?)


  1. You dare eat muffins in your car? You either have a much better hand vacuum than I do or your car is very crumbly. Either way, I think you're brave!

  2. Oh, me, too - me too - I can't get my eyes full enough of those oranges and reds. I sobbed my eyes out silently one year when all I wanted to do was see the leaves up Alpine loop, but my mother-in-law overrode that with one diffident, "I'm too tired, let's go home." We were so close, and it was the one thing I wanted in all the world. This year, we got up there when it was really pretty, but we missed the peak because of the rain. Driving is good, Mar- but getting a little ways into the back country on horseback is AMAZING> thank you so much for the pictures. I always feel like, if I stare long enough at the leaves or even at the pictures of them, I will remember the smell of the mountains, and that fresh wildness in my bones forever.


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